Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I've always hated when someone asks me for my "most embarrassing moment." I think it's a stupid question, for a couple of reasons.

First of all, I have the worst memory in the world. The moment someone asks me to remember something, my mind goes blank. Not conducive to answering such questions.

Second of all, my embarrassing moments are seldom that embarrassing. It's usually a personal irritation, like I spelled something wrong in an important email, or I said something in anger that I would never say when in my right mind. See? Not really anything to get worked up about. And really, when someone asks for your most embarrassing moment, they're looking for a good laugh, right?

Not that I don't have a couple of good stories. But I don't really get embarrassed easily. I'm so clumsy that getting embarrassed about tripping or running into a wall would mean I'd be blushing all day long. I enjoy a joke too much to get embarrassed about one that's told at my expense. It's more fun to laugh instead.

The third reason I don't like the question is this: If it was really the most embarrassing thing I've ever been through, why on earth would I want to share it? So that I could be embarrassed all over again?

Of course, usually people share moments that were embarrassing at the time, and then just funny afterwards. But I wonder how many people have ever told their real most embarrassing moment. You know, the deep, dark secret...that time you did something and you still can't believe you acted that way?

Or maybe that's just me.

1 comment:

  1. So true! Who ever tells their really, really most embarassing moment? Too embarrasin'.
